Medical equipment donation, placement, recruitment, leasing, under the hard hand!

Column:Industry dynamic Time:2018-09-13

Source: cypress blue apparatus author: cypress gold

This year, an anti-corruption campaign in the medical and health field in henan province has led to the downfall of a provincial inspector at the provincial health and family planning commission and the dismissal of nearly 20 hospital and health hospital directors and department directors within months, and the involvement of eight medical device companies or their sales staff who were suspected of offering bribes. The medical equipment circle in henan province is full of rain, ho, and wind.

Recently, henan province has made great efforts in the field of medical devices, this time aiming at the old problem of medical equipment donation and delivery.

According to the website of henan provincial commission of health and family planning and the henan daily, henan province recently issued a notice on further promoting the special governance and standardization of medical equipment donation in the field of pharmaceutical purchase and sales (hereinafter referred to as the notice), which clearly stipulates that medical institutions accept medical equipment donations.

Medical equipment donation "four prohibitions"

"Notice" pointed out that according to the national health development planning commission issued by the health measures for the management of family planning unit to accept public welfare donation (try out) "the relevant provisions, the health to family planning unit accept donations in violation of law, the state may not involve commercial profit-making activities, shall not be suspected of commercial bribery and unfair competition, may not be linked to the unit purchasing goods (services), may be attached with the donation items related to economic interests, intellectual property, such as scientific research, industry data and information rights and claims, and shall not harm the public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of other citizens.

In order to correct the prominent problems in the field of medical services that harm the interests of the masses, medical institutions in henan province are not allowed to accept donations of medical equipment in the following ways:

First, the legal donation of medical equipment is allowed, but it is forbidden to avoid the corresponding reagent and consumable procurement in the name of donation, delivery and borrowing of inspection and inspection equipment, thus forming the monopoly fact.

Second, it is forbidden to purchase equipment in any curve way or under any name.

Third, it is prohibited to use interest-free loans and free donations as bait to achieve the purpose of targeted bidding in the process of bidding and procurement.

Fourth, it is forbidden to use the name of medical equipment leasing, equipment as a shareholder, pay rent, participate in dividends and other ways to produce disguised bribery.

If a health and family planning unit accepts a donation, it shall sign a written donation agreement with the donor, and clearly stipulate that the donation shall not be linked to the bidding and purchase of reagents and consumables, and shall not be suspected of unfair competition.

The province's current donated equipment are to re - net bidding

Henan province who planning requirements, the provincial family planning unit to make health line change, for all the current use of donations, launch, borrow the inspection equipment, all wants to hang net public reagents, consumable bidding procurement, banned the directional tender, avoid "donation" phishing, through unified specification, making illegal inspection inspection equipment donations, monopoly reagent consumables, evade bidding procurement from now on, there are rules in accordance with the problem.

At the same time, according to henan province people's government of the relevant documents, restructured hospitals, private hospitals and social capital through wholly owned by civilian workers camp, public private, alone, entrusted management, service outsourcing, franchising and other ways to establish medical institutions, and public hospitals and social capital through hold independent medical institutions in the form of joint venture cooperation, can the independent procurement of medical equipment and reagent consumables.

Provincial special inspection recently launched

It is also understood that the henan provincial commission of health and family planning will carry out a special provincial supervision and inspection on the illegal donation of medical equipment in the near future, and report the inspection results to the provincial commission for discipline inspection.

Henan provincial commission of health and family planning also announced the number of complaints about illegal medical equipment received: 0371-85961282,

The anti-corruption campaign against medical devices has been intensified in henan this year

The blue parker instrument cases in the people's procuratorate information network news after incomplete statistics found that since march, luoyang, sanmenxia, pingdingshan, luohe city, henan province, xinyang, nanyang, zhoukou these seven prefecture level, already has 16 (including), vice President of the hospital or health hospital dean, director of the department such as suspected of bribery, "fall", eight medical device company or its agent involved in bribery case.

In sanmenxia alone, three medical device companies were prosecuted in August for bribery and a former sales manager of a medical device company for bribery.

Nanyang prosecutors also investigated three cases of bribery in medical equipment, and the managers of three medical equipment companies were investigated for bribery.

The luohe prosecutors investigated the former chairman of a medical device company on suspicion of bribery.

Nanyang a nest case: free equipment behind the "black trade"

Among them, legal network on August 27 manuscript "medical corruption system" nest case increase bribery means diversity "unveiled a corruption nest case related to the free delivery of medical equipment.

At the beginning of 2009, CRP(c-reactive protein) testing project was carried out in major hospitals in China. The former director of the clinical laboratory department of a specialized hospital in nanyang city, bai got acquainted with zhang, general manager of a medical equipment company in henan province, at the annual work meeting, and revealed to him that he wanted to purchase a brand of immunofluorescence analyzer.

In order to seize the market, zhang promised to provide this equipment to the laboratory department of bai for free, provided that the equipment must use special reagent consumables, and bai agreed.

Later, zhang recommended to bai two other brands of immunofluorescence analyzer, which his company was acting as agent, to replace the immunofluorescence equipment. Zhang also recommended a brand of blood sterile humoral incubator, a brand of automatic stool analyzer. Bai in the inspection department as per the regulations, and the use of large quantities of reagent supplies supplied by zhang supplies.

During the period, in order to express gratitude, zhang sent many times to the white "kickback", up to hundreds of thousands of yuan, and in its introduction to know other medical institutions attending doctors.

On May 30, bai was sentenced to three years in prison for bribery.

In the investigation of a white case at the same time, the case team led out a pharmaceutical company in henan general manager li a, and a affiliated hospital in nanyang city, director of the clinical laboratory department director li b, a people's hospital clinical director li c.

After the trial, li a confessed that he used the state-owned enterprise financial management loose and other convenient conditions, and li b, li handmaid colluded with each other, through bidding, procurement in the types and quantities of various biochemical reagents, get more "commission" of the crime.

Li and li were arrested in April and prosecuted in May for taking bribes over supplies. He was recently sentenced to two and a half years in prison and one and a half years in prison.

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